Coffee Cup Counter Prototype
I choose to find a solution for Marco who wants to cut down on his coffee consumption a day. I thought abacus tool to count up and down for each time he drinks a cup of coffee. Since he wants to cut down to 15 cups a week from 30 cups, I color each counting beads to Green color up to first 15 beads and any beads afterward to will be in Red color to show if he passes to Red color beads, he will loose his challenge.
The reason for Green color is he is maintaining his goal and Red color is that he violate his goal to stay within 15 cups a week.
Clear Glass Coffee Cup
Thick wire to run beads
15 Beads in Green color
15 beads in Red Color
Wood Box to hold to wire at one end.
Create a wire path from inside the Coffee cup and extend out of the cup to wooden box. Wire path looks like upside down U letter. Every time he drinks a cup of coffee, he will a bead from wooden end to inside the coffee cup.
2nd coffee counter prototype